Red FM blogs

It went below my ‘blogdar’ as it were, but Red FM here in Cork seems to have an inordinate amount of staff blogging. Not alone that but it appears they are being actively encouraged to do so by management. Just a shame almost none of them have blogrolls to let the rest of us know they exist!

Philip Bourke, Martina, Viv Crowley, Victor Barry, Steven Cooper , KC, Stevie G– welcome to the blogosphere…and there’s a whole lot more bloggers here in Cork now! 🙂






3 responses to “Red FM blogs”

  1. Tony avatar

    At least you will not have to worry abut the competition.

    note to self: try to find out from Victor Barry exactly what are feckin’ Easter eggs.

  2. Vic Barry avatar

    Cheers! The Easter Eggs is a long one!!!!

  3. Tony avatar

    LOL … So that’s a feck I see dotted all over the Cork Blogscape. I thought a long one was a {w}yanker.