
Via Jeff is this CAPS-like service of watching the investment portfolios of other people. The bonus is that successful pickers get financial rewards. Definitely a winner, and definitely going to be bought out by a bigger firm.

I’ve signed up to the beta, looks nice so far. Better than Stockpickr, but not quite as good as CAPS yet. I guess CAPS does have 30,000 players.






3 responses to “Covestor”

  1. Ken avatar

    Big difference between and any other site is that it’s your real trades and portfolio allocation that is reported. While CAPS does log your “calls” you’re not seeing these people’s actual investment decisions, backed by their money as you do on Covestor. Could be what they really think, might not be…

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Yea the biggest part of CAPS is that it’s a game, not necessarily actual decisions. But I like the breadth of stuff on there, and the ability to follow dozens of players by accuracy.

  3. Jim karnegy avatar
    Jim karnegy

    In regards to REAL there is another player similar to Covestor, called VesTopia,
    their site is seeded with Investement Directors that show what they are doing in their real portfolio’s, where’s in covestor anyone can put up his account. these are two differant approaches, and it’s interesting to see how this will develop.