New MacBook Pro arrives

Finally got it today, though I hear of backlogs. Looks like I got in early.

So far so good. It’s really nice, thought haven’t tested battery life with the new LED screen yet. It’s nice and fast though, with the same amount of RAM as my Dell 9400 running MCE. Bootcamp shall be installed, and as you can see from the pic, I already installed OpenOffice, VLAN Player, Mac Messenger etc.

MacBook new

Mr Puds approves:







5 responses to “New MacBook Pro arrives”

  1. PM avatar

    Ditch Mac Messenger…..use Adium X, its 10X better and looks 100X more cooler. 😉

  2. Peter Knight avatar

    Very nice. I’m thinking about ditching my Sony Viao for the same.
    I didn’t realise that the Pro also came in black. Thought it was just the regular Mac Book?

  3. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    It comes in black?

  4. sarah avatar

    hiya Gavin, I got my snazzy 13″ WHITE one last week AND an even snazzier Crumpler School Hymn case. I just love it. My geek friend made me install Adium and I’m SLOWLY getting used to it. Love IM myself. Now all I need is the Airport Extreme base station..its in the post..

  5. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Me too! Not sure about Adium, too used to MSN. Plus no iSight capability. Skype meanwhile does!