Paul Potts

This has been the sensation on YouTube this week. I caught it on telly last weekend, but it seems to have proven a hit with the US audience, especially given Simon Cowell’s huge praise for Paul. Mr Potts will go far no doubt.

Going by the various comments and hits on YouTube, we must be looking at the first YouTube Superstar – well over 2 million 3 million views in a week (now 6 or 7 million in two weeks). Favourited over 10,000 times. Some detractors say he had voice training, but how could you get a voice like that without training?

First audition:







6 responses to “Paul Potts”

  1. United Irelander avatar

    It’s good that he’s proving a success despite having a name eerily similar to a vicious Cambodian tyrant.

  2. Tony avatar

    The man is amazing. Voice training or not …he’s from a humble background and he’s clearly on is way to success. A very big hit in the US.

  3. Scott avatar

    I have been obsessing on the youtube video. Getting no work done. I need serious help.

  4. […] back at Gavin’s Blog and posted about Paul Potts. I am right out of the whole popular culture scene so missed this on the telly. So here’s a […]

  5. Mark Hutcherson avatar

    Paul Potts changed the lives of millions of regular folks over the past month and I predict that his new CD will sell well over five (5) million copies by the time Santa comes around again!

  6. Brenda avatar

    Everytime I hear the beautiful voice of Paul Potts, I get goosebumps all over. Absolutely beautiful!!! His One Chance CD is fabulous and I’m sure he will make many more. Hopefully, there will be a Christmas one too!!!