Larkin at the tribunal

Q. 716. You got a lift?
A. Yes.
Q. 717. Similar to the previous occasion?
A. Similar but not the same.
Q. 718. A different driver of Mr Ahern?
A. He didn’t have a driver then.

Q. 743. And there’s a driver is there?
A. No, my best recollection is that Bertie drove the car

So Ahern was driving then it seems. Hmm. Why did counsel for the Tribunal push this question so much? Even Larkin was puzzled.

Update: Ah….Bertie Ahern said in 2003: “I don’t have a driving licence because I don’t drive. I’ve been lucky enough to have a State car for 17 or 18 years.” The plot thickens.






One response to “Larkin at the tribunal”

  1. […] Bertie, Bertie… whatever shall we do with you? The various stories are not consistent. I will leave it to the tribunal to uncover the […]