Blog awards

The shortlists are up. I have been nominated in the best news/current affairs blog category. Cheers to the person who nominated me :).

I guess I should do some link whoring or something to all the other nominees. I am a regular reader of many, so do check them out:

Best Blog Sponsored by PutPlace

Best Photo Blog Sponsored by

Best Arts and Culture Blog Sponsored by Poetry Ireland

Best Political Blog Sponsored by Digital Revolutionaries

Best Group Blog Sponsored by

Best Personal Blog Sponsored by Microsoft Ireland’s Developer and Platform Group

Best Use of Irish Language in a Blog Sponsored by Edgecast Media

Best Technology Blog Sponsored by Bitbuzz

Best Designed Blog Sponsored by BB Gardens

Best Sports and Recreation Blog Sponsored by

Best News/Current Affairs Blog

Best Specialist Blog Sponsored by iQ Content

Best Newcomer Sponsored by Edelman Dublin

Best Business Blog Sponsored by FirstPartners

Best Music Blog Sponsored by

Best Food and Drink Blog

Best Crafts Blog Sponsored by This Is Knit

Best Popculture Blog Sponsored by Weeno Media

Best Blog from a Journalist Sponsored by RedFly Marketing






2 responses to “Blog awards”

  1. Maryrose Lyons avatar

    Good luck to you too Gavin! And you should get a special award for recreating the lists!

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks Maryrose, best of luck to you too 🙂