Driving test

I passed my driving test yesterday. I have been a provisional driver since October 2006. Waiting lists suck.






9 responses to “Driving test”

  1. Anthony Sheridan avatar
    Anthony Sheridan

    Congratulations Gavin

  2. Kathy avatar

    Hey, well done! Drive safely now…

  3. red mum avatar

    Well done and in time before all hell breaks loose!

  4. Donncha O Caoimh avatar

    Well done! That’s great, hope it knocked your premium down a good bit too!

  5. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. In this strange country I clocked up nearly 20,000 miles before I got my full licence…

  6. Tony avatar


    Sounds rather confusing … Over here you’d be considered a seasoned driver after 20,000 miles. Obviously your licensing system is in stages?

    In NY at age 16 you get a permit, take a test, drop $50, get your photo taken and you have your license which is good for 5 years. {Then again, many 16 year olds driving around with thier heads up their asses}.

  7. sandy avatar

    Nice one Gavin, well done.

  8. ryan avatar

    Well done old bean, well done.

  9. liam noonan avatar

    Well done Gavin, brings back memories (nightmares) of my own test.
