RTE coverage

Hmm. Why do I get the feeling RTE are not giving this story the coverage it deserves.

People are bored with the tribunal and Ahern? Yea right.







4 responses to “RTE coverage”

  1. Treasa avatar

    I have to say Gavin that yes, tribunal fatigue has set in. It set in a long time ago, and it is coupled with the feeling of disillusionment felt by many, many people that the tribunals have gone on for years, the level of crookery was monumental and Nothing will really change after we’ve spent the fortune and let the blood out. So yeah, I think people are bored.

    This is my key issue with the tribunal. Its terms of reference have allowed it to live for years and yet it is not producing anything like a conclusion at the moment. I’d have preferred a comprehensive criminal investigation and some charges. They can get through this in under 10 years in other countries. This one has been running for 10 years plus at this stage and we will never get a conclusion out of it because at some point it will end and nothing more will happen.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    To a degree I do agree Treasa. And yes there are far better ways of investigating corruption.

    But the Tribunal did complete its work, essentially three seperate inquiries, from 1997 to 2002, and has already reported on that. It found wholescale corruption.

    The most recent inquiry started in 2003, and is in fact also three inquiries. The final one is Quarryvale.

  3. […] over at Gavin’s Blog is, I think, typical of how the majority of Irish people feel. They’re bored with the tribunals, […]

  4. FPL avatar

    You have to wonder about the timing of the arrest and charging of the money laundering men. They were arrested at 7.15AM and the story made the Newstalk morning show within an hour!

    Morning Ireland managed to lead with Ahern, but by the News at One the story had been displaced by the Money Laundering story which then led for all the RTE news programs, both TV and Radio for the rest of the day.
