De traffic

I note with some worry that Mr Mulley and Mr Major (not John) have seen their traffic hit the circa 1 million mark. My position as one of the most trafficked (1.3m) Irish blogs is fast diminishing.

Oh woe is me. What am I to do?






4 responses to “De traffic”

  1. Maggie avatar

    Real men do cry 🙁
    … them put a hit on Mulley & Major!

  2. Rowan Manahan avatar

    Blogging – something about sharks? I can’t quite remember the quote.
    Eat? Swim? Make little sharks?

    Alternatively, the Fortify ninja squad are at your service – no questions asked, reasonable rates, group discounts …

  3. Donncha O Caoimh avatar

    I just took a look at the Analytics stats for I won’t bore (or upset) you with the details! 😉

  4. Gavin avatar

    Gah! Damn you O’Caoimh *shakes fist*