Property prices in Wexford

Some staggering statistics:

Gorey rural area (including town)

Population (2006): 25,808
Properties listed for sale on Daft: 963

Enniscorthy rural area (including town)

Population (2006): 33,111
Properties listed for sale on Daft: 594

Just by way of comparison:

Cork city

Population (2006): 119,143
Properties listed for sale on Daft: 1,080 (City and suburbs)

Cork has over four times the population of Gorey, yet almost the same number of houses listed for sale.

I guess it’s all the buy-to-letters from Dublin who bought in Gorey? Or is the cost of petrol killing the commuters that bought there? Seems like Gorey is in serious trouble.

In order for the Gorey properties to sell, prices will have to fall. By a huge margin.






2 responses to “Property prices in Wexford”

  1. John mcDermott avatar

    You would pay for half the cost of a (modest) monthly mortgage repayment on a house a lot nearer the city of Dublin with your fuel saving,if you are a commuter.
    Now that all prices are falling, the worst located will have to fall first and hardest.
    The worst trap of all created by Fianna Fail must be that in which unfortunates who fled Dublin house prices-and still work in Dublin- find themselves now.
    Its working out just as expensive for them as if they had stayed in the city area -with the nightmare commuting thrown in as well.!

  2. tom avatar

    have finally sold my 3bed semi in riverchapel.
    full of social welfare
    who are laughing up their cuff at the likes of me
    driving 60 miles to work in dublin ,going to save 90€ a week on petrol
    only took 2 years to sell,nice place to live if not for the s.w element the locals must hate what the celtic tiger has done to the county