Africa and Coca-Cola

AFRICANS buy 36 billion bottles of Coke a year. Because the price is set so low—around 20-30 American cents, less than the price of the average newspaper—and because sales are so minutely analysed by Coca-Cola, the Coke bottle may be one of the continent’s best trackers of stability and prosperity.

In other words, Coca-Cola sells sugar water to Africans for 20 cents and still manages to make a profit. Imagine how much profit is made from selling it in Europe for up to €2.00 a bottle.


Coca-Cola says it is the largest private-sector employer in Africa. Its system of distribution, which moves the sugary drink from bottling plants deep into slums and the bush a few crates at a time, may employ around 1m Africans. A study at the University of South Carolina suggested that 1% of South Africa’s economy was tied up, one way or another, in the distribution and sale of Coke.






2 responses to “Africa and Coca-Cola”

  1. Allan Cavanagh avatar

    Gavin, you might be interested in this campaign to get Coke to use their distribution channels to distribute rehydration salts in Africa.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks Allan, looks interesting alright.