For all you cat lovers out there…

I can entirely sympathise…






4 responses to “For all you cat lovers out there…”

  1. kerryview avatar

    oh God but that’s a great little video. All cat people know exactly what the little bastard is doing!. I had to post it, thank you Gavin for the smile.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Hehe, Puds isnt as forceful but he does all sorts to get food!

  3. Donncha O Caoimh avatar

    Aawww, that’s a lovely video and spot on. It’s amazing how well he’s captured exactly what cats do to get your attention. Any cat hater is just going to hate this video though!

  4. Gavin avatar

    Too true Donncha! But us cat lovers love it hehe