Journalists shot at in Georgia

An incredible piece of footage. Turkish journalists under fire in Georgia.







2 responses to “Journalists shot at in Georgia”

  1. Anthony Sheridan avatar
    Anthony Sheridan

    Could we get a translation?

  2. Ethem Tolga avatar
    Ethem Tolga


    – There must be Georgian forces.
    – There’s nothing to…
    (Shots begin)
    – Are we OK? Are we OK?
    – No, no, no!
    – Are we OK?
    – No, no! Levent has got wounded. He’s hit!
    – Move back. Move back!
    – Hurry!
    – Move back, move back!
    – Cumhur, are you OK? Are you OK?
    – Cumhur, are you OK?
    – I’m OK.
    – Get down!
    – We got tire trouble!
    – Don’t move guys! Stay put. Don’t move, stay calm. Everybody’s OK?
    – Press! Press! Press!
    – OK guys, stay calm.
    – It doesn’t start?
    – No, we got tire problem.
    – Folks, i got an injury from the head. I feel good but a few minutes later…
    – Stay down!
    – I’m losing blood, guys! I need a hand here!
    – Hilmi, please!
    – Use the monopod! Monopod! Give it to him!
    – We have to walk back.
    – Back?
    – Yes.
    – Give me some tourniquet, quick!
    – I’m recording, guys.
    – Ambulance! Ambulance!

    (FYI: Turkish journalist has lost his left eye.)