Bill Hicks movie

Finally. But who will play the lead role? Comedycentral makes a stab at it. Punchline are saying Russell Crowe is up for it.

Here is my humble Bill Hicks transcript that I put up in 2002. It still gets regular visits and referrals. The red bits were cut out of the video release, I transcribed them from an audio version I listened to back then.

Here is a clip from the show:






3 responses to “Bill Hicks movie”

  1. Thriftcriminal avatar

    Yay Bill rules(d)! Though definitely uncomfortable with the whole goat boy bit….

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Gosh, I hadn’t realised but Ive seen the Goatboy routine so many times now that is seems almost normal.

  3. Casey Hamill avatar
    Casey Hamill

    I wouldn’t like to speak for the man, but I’m pretty sure Bill would hate the idea of Russell Crowe playing him.