Travel plans

I’ve been working hard to prepare for a significant amount of traveling in the coming months. I have pretty much finalised my timelines, with all flights booked and accommodation sorted. Blogging, in a variety of forms, will be as regular as circumstances allow.

I should warn everyone that I will be playing with and testing a variety of new formats and all of these efforts should be considered strictly BETA. Some of it might be iffy, some of it might be boring, some of it might be something you could laugh at, but it will all be genuine effort to better tell stories.

During my travels I hope to update and upload regularly, using this blog as a testing platform. Video, photos, audio and the written word, with the intention of using technology to better tell a story. I might be successful, or I might not, but I want to flag it with regular readers so they can be aware of the changes. I think it’s worth giving it a go.

For now my provisional travel plans are this:

September 20 – September 24: Tbilisi, Georgia
September 25 – September 26: Telavi, Georgia
September 27 – September 30: A trip westwards is on the cards for now, perhaps as far Batumi. I will be following Michael Totten’s line, but hope to cover more ground in the time that I am there (I think I may be staying longer than Michael).
October 1: Tbilisi

October 2 – October 4: Munich: Oktoberfest!

October 4 – October 22: Cork

October 23: Washington DC
October 24 – 26: Toronto
October 26 – 29: Windsor, Ontario; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois
October 30 – November 5: Washington DC (Election!)
November 6 – November 8: New York
November 9 – 10: Washington DC

November 11: Cork

Of course the best laid plans… So I am being optimistic with my planning. I will see how it pans out. I hope you all enjoy the ride. 🙂



