Gori, looking south

I had a quick look round the tank base in Gori two weeks ago, and posted some photos. Towards the end of my trip to Georgia, I made my way up to the castle in the centre of Gori – it gives commanding views of the town and the surrounding area.

Looking south I took a high resolution image of the tank base, and the hills surrounding it. You can make out about eight destroyed tanks, that had moved from the tank base. To the very left of the tank base you can see one of the tower blocks bombed by the Russians. In the foreground you can see the Stalin museum (tall building, Georgian flag).

How many tanks can you make out? When in Flickr click on “All sizes” on the top left of the picture to see the picture at the full 8 megapixel resolution.

Gori, looking south






4 responses to “Gori, looking south”

  1. ferdia2010 avatar

    That’s a good picture of Gori actually … some of the YouTube videos’s you posted seemed to be missing as well as the header for your blog ….
    maybe its my connection … its doing the same with my blog …

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks Ferdia. I think it’s you, I tried two browsers and it seems to be workin fine…

  3. ferdia2010 avatar

    Just tried it on safari and u are right there … some problem with the browser .. firefox .. i better upgrade it … anyway did u like Georgia ?