Dell to leave Limerick?

Dell just announced the sale of a call centre in El Salvador. An announcement about its Irish operation could soon follow. Keep an eye out. As I said last month, Dell leaving Limerick, or indeed Ireland, is inevitable. The job losses will be substantial.







3 responses to “Dell to leave Limerick?”

  1. William Bell avatar
    William Bell

    If DELL leaves it will be a blow to Limerick & Ireland. Limerick is already struggling with unemployment not seen since the 80’s. This will be a big blow to the river city

  2. William Bell avatar
    William Bell

    It’s official.

    Mary Coughlan, the Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, and Willie O’Dea, Limerick-based Minister for Defence, flew to Dell’s headquarters in Texas early last week in a bid to persuade chief executive Michael Dell to retain the Limerick operation.

    Their pleas were unsuccessful, although ministers hope that the company will retain at least some of the jobs in Limerick. However, informed sources said that fewer than 1,000 jobs may be saved out of total employment of more than 3,000 in Limerick.