Eminem endorses Obama

Well I guess it’s not as high profile as Colin Powell. Though the conservative base may see it as a good thing for a bad man like Eminem to endorse the socialist Obama.

I doubt it will have much of an affect either way.







One response to “Eminem endorses Obama”

  1. Weiss - Devin avatar

    Barack Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope,” features a appealing title. It has a taste of bravery mixed with full confidence. There is nothing Pollyanna concerning this. I won’t support everything he says, but he’s our president, as well as for me, he inspires trust. Which can do more for any region than any amount of backroom deals. Hope gives us energy, and energy sustains us through trying times. Boy, we’ve had them. I’m from West Texas, and I did not vote for Bush. When McCain ran against Obama, I was a citizen of Arizona, but I gave audacious hope a chance. The fight for progress and laying the foundations of prosperity is just not over. I’ve come across the quips of those who don’t think Obama can make it. But step back a second. Would anyone have most of us fail just to tarnish the star of an incumbent for whom they did not vote? Keeping our priorities straight, let’s work together with our president and build our future.