Election day in Chicago

The sun is rising over Lake Michigan as I write this. It’s 7am Central and at 8.30 we head out to some polling stations around Chicago to watch the election kick off. NPR were reporting last night that up to 1 million people could descend on Chicago today, with tickets only available for 75,000. This is going to be an interesting day, to say the least.

It is worth noting that the weather here is unseasonably warm. Yesterday it was extremely hot for November, which meant walking around downtown in a t-shirt, and it stayed warm and humid throughout the night. Today the forecast is no clouds with temperatures as high as 23 degrees.

Myself and Conor will likely be running on adrenaline all day, our late night boozing did not help, and the weather, combined with all that election stuff going on, should make it a day to remember.

Internet will likely be intermittent, so I will try updating via text to my Twitter.






2 responses to “Election day in Chicago”

  1. Anthony avatar

    Man, I’m excited for you! Should be amazing! The joi lads are having an election party this evening we’ll have one for you!

  2. […] I wouldn’t care if it happened completely in the background. But unfortunately everyone seems to be going on about it, and as such my head is over inflated with all this crap, and so I have to deal […]