Zoetrope online archiving

This is one of the best demonstrations of groundbreaking technology I have ever seen. Google need to start doing this yesterday. Or buy the guys who did this. Web 3.0.

Details here.







5 responses to “Zoetrope online archiving”

  1. KevanB avatar

    Fascinating. But I don’t think George Lucas will want to sell it.

  2. Gamma Goblin avatar

    Sally saved herself a load of time and grief by avoiding traffic at peak times. Unfortunately she developed an internet addiction and never left the house again.

  3. niall avatar

    WOW. I need this.

  4. Dan Sullivan avatar

    An nifty piece of work to be sure. Of course, I’m sure that we’ll hear some carping from the usual sources that this is another sign that research in academia is a waste of time.

  5. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Google being the best example of a waste of academic time.. lol