Green Party Ard Fheis 2009

I made it here this morning and am updating on Twitter with the hashtag #gp09. You can also follow over at Scribble.

12.30: Got a good picture of Senator Dan Boyle playing with an iPhone before he takes to the stage shortly.

15.40: Someone in the Green party has apparently let slip that the date of the emergency budget will be April 2. A government spokesman refused to confirm the date. The date might be changed now.

15.55: Uploaded the Patricia McKenna video:

16.00: Eamon Ryan comes into the press room to answer questions. Towards the end of the clip he is asked about the April 2 budget date. Video up:

Mary White tee up:

Gormley as he leaves:

Everyone stops to watch RTE news, including de hacks:







2 responses to “Green Party Ard Fheis 2009”

  1. […] 12:57 PM Suzy Byrne – Blogging at Green Convention – Gavin – […]

  2. sarge avatar

    gavin, good post. lost of detail. thx for sharing