Giving something back?

Given the day that’s in it, after seven years of blogging, I feel like I should try and give something back to the blogosphere.

Over the years I have offered hosting to a number of people who I felt deserved better tools than Blogspot offers, or would be better served by having their own domain, and the use of the WordPress platform.

So my offer is this, for what it’s worth:

To the first five people who leave a comment to this post (or drop me an email alternatively), and who’s blog is hosted on a third party platform such as, or, I will offer one year of free hosting using the WordPress platform. Included are advice and support on how best to implement the installation, full FTP access, a default selection of themes, and an array of plugins. I will install and host WordPress for you, free of charge. I will also help with any import of entries from a prior blog.

Of course there might not be five people out there who want this, so if you know of anyone, do leave a comment and point me in their direction.

And another thought, if at the end of the year you wish to move, I will of course export your database to a file, and you can go out on your own into the brave world of self-hosting. ๐Ÿ™‚






16 responses to “Giving something back?”

  1. James Lawless avatar

    It’s a decent offer. I’m setup over with Blacknight but I’ll leave a comment anyway. Happy hosting!

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    No worries James, happy blogging!

  3. Xbox4NappyRash avatar

    I’m far too much of a coward to attempt to move, but I just had to say that’s one very decent offer.

    Nice one.

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Ah jeez, don’t be afraid… it’s worth it!

  5. Gamma Goblin avatar

    Maybe you should raffle them. I imagine people, some at least, would be too modest to comment and expect something up front like that. I could be wrong of course and you might get a flood of comments right after mine, demanding freebies ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh and it’s a generous offer but I’m happy with my free Google hosting for now thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    You may be right Gamma. Interested parties can also contact me via email, if they prefer.

  7. Fred avatar

    Cool post and idea Gavin.

    Just posted it on Twitter. Let’s see who are the first 5 to benefit ๐Ÿ™‚




  8. Christian avatar

    Hey Gavin

    I’m happy with my Blogspot set-up to be honest and wouldn’t want to attempt the ordeal of transferring my blog and redoing all my internal links. As the guys above though, I just wanted to say awesome stuff offering this to people.

  9. Blake avatar

    Congratulations on the anniversary.. keep up the work!

  10. Joe Scanlon avatar

    Wow 7 years – that’s pretty inspirational – great going – here’s to many more – joe

  11. Fiona Ashe avatar

    Hi Gavin,

    Thanks very much for this very generous offer.

    I’m quite new to blogging and have just started using Due to the amount of time that I devote to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, the blog tends to take a back seat and I’d like to focus on it a little more. So I’d be happy to accept your kind offer if it’s still available. I was wondering if it’s possible to import comments as well as entries from prior blogs? Many thanks.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Best, Fiona.

  12. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks Fiona, I will be in touch.

  13. Adrian avatar

    i’ll take it!

    oh, wait…

  14. john mortell avatar

    Can’t say I’ve ever had complaints… Though I’m pretty sure you must have from my stupid questions over the years! Congrats on the anniversary dude!

  15. TJ avatar

    This is a very kind offer – but I’d be perfectly happy if you’d point me to a good guide to migrating from Blogger to WordPress on my own domain.

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