Mr Gallagher responds

In all its glory, from Mark Tighe:

O’Donoghue’s use of Gallagher’s company was highlighted last week by Gavin Sheridan, a blogger. “He has this dressed up like we’re something out of The Sopranos,” said Gallagher. “My father was a Fianna Fail TD, so what? I have to earn a living. Are you not allowed to be in business if you’ve a family in politics?”

I take it Mr Gallagher refers to this post.

If that post is defined as “dressing it like we’re something from out of the Sopranos”, then I clearly am on a different planet to Mr Gallagher.







8 responses to “Mr Gallagher responds”

  1. Allan Cavanagh avatar

    Funny how the Sopranos was the comparison that occurred to him. It’s clearly a veiled threat Gavin- he’s going to tie you to a chair and do his Tony Soprano impression until you’re weeping for mercy.

  2. GQM avatar

    Does the embassy not have to use public procurement procedures for this service?

  3. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    haha @allan

    @GQM dont know, but worth checking I guess.

  4. david avatar

    Gallagher plays the usual card played by F & F ers when they are rumbled am I not entitled to make an honest living? Remember Ahern saying that questioning the jailbird Burke was the hounding of an honourable man?

    What Gallagher doesnt appreciate is how the rest of us wonder at the amazing coincidence that out of all the car hire companies in the UK the one that is used by FF minister O’Donoghue is the one owned by the family of a former FF minister. What are the odds of that happening?

    To be fair to Gallagher if our civil servants agree to spend these scandalous sums with his company thats their decision, not his.

    But this has the normal Haughey, Lawlor stench about it……………we’ve all been there before.

  5. david avatar

    sorry gavin – one more point! At least Gallagher responded – when can we expect to hear from Johnny or his private secretary?

  6. Mark avatar

    Testing testing

  7. markcoughlas avatar


  8. finance_used_car avatar

    This is cool! And so interested! Are u have more posts like this? Plese tell me, thanks