That trip to India

Remember John O’Donoghue and that trip to India? It was part of a trade mission to the country, and JOD was not the only one to go. Bertie Ahern, Mary Hanafin, Micheal Martin and Donie Cassidy (and a pack of journalists) also went along for the ride. I wonder if they shared the limo between Terminal 1 and 3?

And you have to wonder where Micheal Martin gets off warning us against “losing the plot” on ministerial travel, when he was on the same trip as JOD, but details of Mr Martin’s expenses have yet to be revealed.






3 responses to “That trip to India”

  1. JohnFitzpatrick avatar

    If the journalists were guests of the government, it would be nice to know who they are.

  2. tenderloins1 avatar

    From a quick search these journalists reported 'from Bangalore' on the Trade mission.
    David Davin Power
    Tom McEnaney (…)
    Conor Keane (…)

    Were they among the guest journalists?
    Well they've a better chance of being a guest journalist than someone not in India at the time.

  3. conandrumm avatar

    God love them, poor journalists embedded in the gravy train.