Category: International Relations

  • Recovery still has a way to go

    Bill Clinton writes on the anniversary of the Tsunami in Asia in the IHT. Worth a look.

  • Kaplan responds

    I meant to post this a while ago, but Atlantic journalist Robert Kaplan has responded to criticism of his recent cover story. He deals with some of the issues raised, that I mentioned here. It seems Kaplan was mostly responding to Thomas Barnett, as he deals specifically with issues Barnett raised. Kaplan notes: The article…

  • China and Europe: Eat your sprouts

    Tom Friedman with a warning: This is not a joke. If North Korea and Iran both go nuclear, that step may trigger a major realignment of geopolitics – the like of which has not been seen since the end of the cold war. If North Korea sets off a nuclear test, how long will Japan…

  • Apocalypse Soon

    Robert McNamara’s piece has appeared on the FP website, go have a read. …just last summer, at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry said, “I have never been more fearful of a nuclear detonation than now.… There is a greater than 50 percent probability of a…

  • What women want

    Sarah Carey will be on telly tomorrow (Tuesday), 2.30pm, and was in the Sunday Times this week. Were the words ‘what women want’ the final words of Sigmund Freud, or is that an urban legend?

  • Pouring oil on the East China Sea

    Some ongoing tensions between Japan and China are detailed here. Japan has begun planning for the worst. A conflict with China over rich gas deposits in the East China Sea has escalated since late January when two Chinese destroyers entered the area, which has been in dispute for decades. Japan warned China that it would…

  • New America Foundation Video Archive

    This archive is a great place if you have broadband…some good debates. I liked the James Fallows one especially.

  • Promoting the National Interest: Condoleezza Rice

    In case anyone missed it, back in 2000 Condi Rice wrote this piece for Foreign Affairs. It’s a good insight into the mind of the new Secretary of State. Foreign policy in a Republican administration will most certainly be internationalist; the leading contenders in the party’s presidential race have strong credentials in that regard. But…

  • Blair overstates the threat of terrorism

    William Pfaff writes: PARIS Tony Blair gave a major talk last Friday on terrorism and the intervention in Iraq that was a strange combination of apocalyptic warning and anodyne remedy, very different from what has been said on the same subjects by the George W. Bush administration in Washington. The British prime minister declared that…

  • Bill Gates and Bono

    The Irish Times had an opinion piece today from none other than Bono and Bill Gates. You can read the text here. They have a four point plan: For a start, we hope that the leaders of every developed nation will resolve to take four crucial steps in 2005. The wealthy world has already committed…
