Category: Iraqi War

  • blanket immunity for US corporations in Iraq

    Holy Crap, how did I miss this story. Thanks Horst. Read this carefully. “According to the order, ‘any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment or other judicial process is prohibited, and shall be deemed null and void, with respect to the following: (a) the Development Fund for Iraq and (b) all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum…

  • US used napalm-like bombs

    Very interesting story, and the quotes are quite….strange. [via Horst] US forces used napalm-like MK-77 firebombs against Iraqi forces in their drive toward Baghdad last spring, a Pentagon official confirmed on Thursday, defending their use as legal and necessary. US marine corps jets dropped the firebombs at least once in March to take out Iraqi…


    Andrew Sullivan cheers the front page story from todays Guardian, the next chapter in the neverending Dossier story. From a lefty paper Andrew? Im shocked! To be honest this whole WMD story is something very strange. I think that WMD will be found. Sometime in perhaps mid August we will get damning evidence of the…

  • Paul Krugman: Who's unpatriotic now?

    Paul Krugman on the wife of Joe Wilson and what it means to be patriotic. And while we’re on the subject of patriotism, let’s talk about the affair of Joseph Wilson’s wife. Wilson is the former ambassador who was sent to Niger by the CIA to investigate reports of attempted Iraqi uranium purchases and who…

  • Another Apology In Iraq-Nukes Flap

    Another apology for us, from the deputy National Security Advisor. “The high standards the president set were not met,” Hadley said. He said he apologized to the president on Monday. Tenet previously issued a statement saying that he should have raised objections to the Iraq-Africa-uranium sentence when the CIA reviewed an advance copy of the…

  • Blix: US was bent on war

    I believe Hans Blix has made the correct assessment, and I think he knew it all along. The contracts for *putting out* the oil well fires where discussed back in September 2002. In a scathing attack on Britain and the US, Mr Blix accused them of planning the war “well in advance” and of “fabricating”…

  • We love the Iraqi Information Minister

    The new site on the Iraqi Information Minister that I blogged on yesterday is temporarily down. It proved extremely popular – and with good reason, it was hilarious. Its expected to be back up in 24 hours. Note: from the webmasterThe site was so popular that 4000 visitors per second showed up from around the…

  • We love the Iraqi Information Minister

    If you have followed the antics of Mohammed Al-Sahaf, the Iraqi Information Minister, you will be crying with laughing looking at this. I especially like the Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference.

  • Iraqis have paid the blood price for a fraudulent war

    Seamus Milne, editor of the comment section in the Guardian, on why the war is still wrong

  • War question

    Blair to Iraqi people: “We did not want this war” Are you sure about that Tony?