Category: Iraqi War

  • Strike was attempt to hit Iraqi leadership

    The first strike of the war was apparently by cruise missiles, or by F117 bombers, to hit a target of oppurtunity – senior Iraqi officials.

  • War begins

    At 2.30am GMT the first sound of anti-aircraft guns were heard, and the first bombs landed on targets in Baghdad. The US President will make an announcement at 3.15am GMT.

  • What should we do?: Jonathan Freedland

    Jonathan Freedland poses the question: What would you suggest? He talks about the moral question posed by Blair concerning the removal of Saddam. He suggests that The UN could demand that Hans Blix’s team be joined by a squad of “human rights inspectors”, keeping tabs on, say, the fate of political prisoners. Interesting idea. But…

  • On War – and why it is happening

    Meghan has prompted me to finally gather my thoughts on the Iraq war – due to start tonight. In her piece she attempts to clarify her own thinking, both for herself and for her readers. I too am attempting to take all I have read, in books and newspapers, and apply it to form an…

  • Robin Cook on impending war

    Here is the full text of Robin Cook’s passionate speech, for which he received a standing ovation.

  • More on censoring and bombing

    Meg has a follow up post on the Kate Adie story. She cites various sources, and gives some good links. I agree with her that the US would not specifically target journalists – just that unauthorised transmissions could become targets – and they could be unilaterals.

  • Hightened terror alert in UAE, other Gulf nations

    The British Foreign Office has advised its citizens that there is a high risk of terrorist attacks in the Gulf region, and is now more likely given the impending invasion of Iraq. It warns its citizens to be wary of public places that are likely targets such as bars, hotels and nightclubs. This is the…

  • US is about to commit a wilful war crime

    Tom McGurk writes a stirring piece this week. Some of the information he gives;I read last week in an article by George Monbiot. But as usual McGurk gives an excellent insight – the war will be illegal, there is no legal way to pre-emptively invade a country.

  • The wrong war, for the wrong reasons: Paul Krugman

    Paul Krugman is in the Herald Tribune today, a good read. He feels that the Bush administration is losing touch with reality – and is almost obsessive in its resolve to invade Iraq. He argues that this type of arrogance is what is turning the rest of the world against the US. He also points…

  • 'Unauthorised' journalists to be fired on – Pentagon official

    In a debate on Irish radio, Kate Adie has made some startling remarks. The show is hosted by Irish rugby guru, Tom McGurk. The other panelists this week included author Phillip Knightley, New York Times war correspondent Chris Hedges, and former Irish Times editor Connor Brady. During the discussion the issue of censorship by the…