Category: Iraqi War
Blair is plunging Britain into a crisis of democracy: Seumus Milne
Seumus Milne, editor of the comment section in the Guardian, writes about Blair and democracy this week. In relation to the UK’s idea of the six points of compliance, I believe he is correct when he says: The terms of the ultimatums being cooked up for it – including a requirement that Saddam Hussein gives…
Osama bin Laden captured?
A report on the BBC is saying that information from Iran suggest that wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden has been captured – more as I get it. Just did a check – as yet none of the major news channels have picked it up – I was watching the Daily Politics on BBC, the presenter…
A wilful blindness: George Monbiot
George Monbiot continues to amaze me with his journalism – giving some of the best insights into current affairs that I can find anywhere. I would encourage you to read his article, but if you don’t have time, here is my synopsis. The core argument that Monbiot is expressing is the question: Why can’t liberal…
So many losses before a shot has been fired: Nicholas Kristof
Nicholas Kristof writes a thoughtful account of anti-US sentiment around the world at the moment. This is my article of the day. There’s an idea: one article of reccommended reading per day! 🙂 There are some witty accounts of unkind, to say the least, things that were said lately about the US and its ‘moronic’…
The UN: Right or wrong?
The first of a weekly series of email threads: this week, historians Andrew Roberts and Ben Pimlott discuss leadership, the Iraq crisis and the UN.
Nothing to smile about: Merope Mills
Merope Mills writes an article about war from the point of view of a young person. Hm. I was sceptical when I learned it would be written from that point of view. So here we are, us twentysomethings, facing an asymmetrical war that targets people we have nothing against; facing threats from cultures we don’t…
Let's get on with the war: William Safire
William Safire writes a stinging piece: But we should by no means feel guilty about doing our duty. War cannot be waged apologetically. Rather than wring our hands, Americans and our allies are required to gird our loins – that is, to fight to win with the conviction that our cause is just. We have…
What tips for Donald Rumsfeld from Julius Caeser
Maureen Dowd invisions Don Dumsfeld as Rummius Maximus Pompeius.
Flight Schedule Changes to all Gulf Destinations (BA)
It appears that war might be very close, BA have decided to stop flying to Oman altogether, and have cut down on all their other flights to Middle Eastern countries. The crew used to stay overnight in Dubai, but now, due to what I hear are staff fears, they have decided to stay in Larnaca…
Did the US really catch Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?
Robert Fisk asks if the US can prove that it did indeed catch Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He asks some pointed questions about the veracity of the claims made by the US. Worth a look, a brief article.