Category: Science

  • Buzz Aldrin on Columbia disaster

    The second man to walk on the moon has some comments on the future of space travel, and some inspiring words about courage and bravery. By Gill Robb Wilson: Somebody has to give himself As the price of a new frontier. Somebody has to take a course and climb to a rendezvous where a lonesome…

  • Suing over global warming

    Scientific American is reporting that a suit in San Francisco involving “Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and the cities of Boulder, Colo., and Oakland, Calif., as plaintiffs, seeks to force two government agencies to assess the total impact on climate of the projects they finance. Rather than treaties and regulations, litigation may soon be the…

  • Our age of discovery

    Along the same lines as Duncan Steels article in the Guardian, Max Boot talks about past ages of discovery, and the fatalities that occured then. He also argues that our exploration must continue.

  • Exploration must continue

    Duncan Steel makes the case for the continuing of space exploration, and that human space flight should be at the forefront of such adventures into the skies. I can only agree with him.

  • US responds to shuttle disaster

    From what I have read on the net since the disaster it now appears to me that the reason the accident took place at all was simple – NASA cutbacks. Since Bush came to office cutbacks have had a serious effect safety, indeed Bush received a report not too long ago warning of a potential…

  • Columbia space shuttle lost over Texas

    The space shuttle Columbia, with 7 crew aboard, has been lost over Texas. It broke up while coming in to land. Very sad news indeed. It appears that there was a small problem at take off that may suggest a reason for the accident. says During a mission status news conference yesterday, Entry Flight…

  • Weird story about a stone slab

    Apparently a 120 million year old stone with writing on has been discovered in the Ural mountains. This would turn all ideas about humans evolution on their head and as you might imagine I remain extremely sceptical, if not cynical about this story.

  • Sharks face extinction

    ITN is reporting that shark populations are down by over 50% on the last 15 years, a staggering figure by any means. Hammerhead sharks are worst affected with an estimated 75% reduction in stocks. This is truly amazing reading, the full report will appear in the journal Science.

  • Nobel prize winners have figured it out, but didn't we all know that the markets are really based on irrational behaviour?

    The celebrated economist, who wrotes some excellent stuff in the Atlantic a while back writes a riveting piece in the Guardian. I had thought that markets can also be based on mob or herd mentalities, but he also gives us several other ideas. A good primer on ecomomic psyhcology – if I can call it…

  • Smallpox vaccine will kill more than a few

    The planned vaccination of millions of US citizens against smallpox will likely lead to death of some according to New Scientist. With so many being innoculated it is thought that some people will have adverse reactions and may die. You can read the story here.