Category: Terrorism

  • Italy disputes US hostage account

    The Italians are now contradicting the US version of events in relation to the killing of Nicola Calipari. The other agent in the car has said that the car did come to a halt, but the car was fired on anyway. The investigation into the incident could take up to 4 weeks.

  • U.S. presses Europe to shun Hezbollah

    Europeans did do as requested in relation to Hamas, but now the US is demanding the same treatment for Hezbollah. The European argument for not listing Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation: …some European countries are questioning whether Hamas should remain listed now that some of its members have won elections in Gaza. This argument, pressed…

  • Palestinian textbooks: Where is all that 'incitement'?

    Is this another urban myth? At the political level, a U.S. Senate subcommittee on Palestinian education and the Political Committee of the European Parliament have both held hearings on the matter. No country’s textbooks have been subjected to as much close scrutiny as the Palestinian. The findings? It turns out that the original allegations were…

  • Blair overstates the threat of terrorism

    William Pfaff writes: PARIS Tony Blair gave a major talk last Friday on terrorism and the intervention in Iraq that was a strange combination of apocalyptic warning and anodyne remedy, very different from what has been said on the same subjects by the George W. Bush administration in Washington. The British prime minister declared that…

  • Many die in Baghdad police ambush

    This marks a new tactic by the insurge… terrorist murderers. Insurgents lured Iraqi policemen to a house in west Baghdad and set off a huge amount of explosives, killing at least 29 people, seven of them police. It’s estimated that 1 tonne of explosives were wired to the building. It does seem like alot of…

  • Britain's Highest Court Overturns Anti-Terrorism Law

    What now for the detainess in ‘Britains Guantanamo’? These look like some pretty dangerous individuals, but is it really necessary to have this level of security?

  • Europe: Al Qaeda's next target?

    Will Europe see more Madrid and Istanbul style attacks? Many analysts are saying that Europe is at greater risk than the US. Ursula Mueller, a German diplomat with terror expertise, said that European-based terrorists were under pressure; terror operations have been averted in London, Paris and Madrid. “But they continue to focus on catastrophic attacks,”…

  • Paul Krugman: A culture of cover-ups

    Krugman’s pre-election thoughts on the lost munitions at al-Qaqaa, and provides yet more food for thought: The story of the looted explosives has overshadowed another report that Bush officials tried to suppress – this one about how the Bush administration let Abu Musab al-Zarqawi get away. An article in Monday’s Wall Street Journal confirmed and…

  • Rumsfeld weakens a pillar of war

    Don Rumsfeld with something surprising today: The actual words Mr Rumsfeld used in his comments on Monday to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York were: “To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two.” He also said he had seen the intelligence “migrate in amazing ways”, without…

  • Jack Hensley

    Came across this website on Blogs of War also, please go and donate – As Blogs of War note: While everyone who knew Jack grieves at such a senseless loss of life, it is with his daughter Sara our thoughts reside. The loss of a father can never truly be healed, but it is…