Category: Tv

  • Going, going…

    Is Oprah losing her mojo? Ratings are falling and her magazine “O” is not selling as well these days. The article contends it has something to do with a backlash after her support for Obama over Clinton. I can’t help but think it’s because of all that new-fangled nonsense she appears to be into. It…

  • De wireless

    I’ve been asked to go on the Orla Barry show on Newstalk106 to talk about Irish accents in Season Two of Heroes. I will have to recall the sick feeling in my stomach when I first saw the episode!

  • Fact Checkers Unit, Bill Murray

    These guys take their job really seriously, they always get their facts. But how do you check if Bill Murray drinks warm milk to get to sleep? Hilarious, with guest appearance by Bill Murray as himself. FCU with Bill Murray on

  • 24 in 1994

    Hilarious, or at least to those of us from the pre-mobile, pre-broadband generation, and remember using computers before Windows 95.

  • Heroes in Cork

    I’ve started watching season 2 of Heroes. I had heard much talk of Cork being in the second season, and god it’s bloody awful. The accents are woeful, the sets make Ireland look like it did in 1954 rather than 2007. The second episode shows a pub “The Wandering Rock” (whatever that meansan apparent reference…

  • Colbert on fire

    This is the best ‘Word’ segment I have ever seen. Colbert discusses the drum beat for war with Iran. Gotta love the Star Wars clip – perfect. Money quote: Everyone knows that Cheney’s fondest pipe dream is driving a bulldozer into the New York Times while drinking crude oil out of Keith Olbermann’s skull.

  • Branson and Colbert video

    Funny but looked kinda pre-planned.

  • Colbert and Branson

    Will air tonight. Can’t wait. Colbert has the buildup.

  • Richard Branson versus Stephen Colbert

    Can’t wait to see this clip. Apparently Branson angrily pours a jug of water over Colbert, and Colbert does the same to Branson.

  • Paul Potts

    This has been the sensation on YouTube this week. I caught it on telly last weekend, but it seems to have proven a hit with the US audience, especially given Simon Cowell’s huge praise for Paul. Mr Potts will go far no doubt. Going by the various comments and hits on YouTube, we must be…