Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Daniel Drezner on blogging

    Veteran blogger Dan Drezner gives some advice to new webloggers if they wish to succeed in the world of blogs. 2) If you decide you like blogging, then switch to Moveable Type: Boy, have I been converted. I didn’t know what I was missing until I made the switch. Comparing MT to any version of…

  • Swedes vote No

    So Sweden has voted no the euro. I can’t help but admit that I am absolutely delighted. Yes, your Irish blogger Gavin Sheridan is, for all intents and purposes, a euro-sceptic. Back in my younger days I was a euro enthusiast, loving the ideal of a great and unified Europe, intent on pursuing peace and…

  • WTC Photos

    Glenn Reynolds decided to post one of the more famous photos from September 11 2001, on the anniversary of that day. Some while back I posted a not-so-famous photo that speaks to me more of the events of that day. Glenn received quite a bit of stick, not dissimilar to the criticisms I received when…

  • Kamm on Pilger

    Oliver Kamm, now one of my regular reads, writes a healthily long criticism of New Statesman hack John Pilger. It reminds me of this article in the Spectator a few weeks ago. Despite my own writing for the New Statesman, I am inclined to agree with Sweeney on this one. He argued that John Pilger…

  • DSL in Eire

    Karlin has returned from Canada, and now she is off to Paris. Does she ever stop? 🙂 Interesting that Eircom have dropped the wholesale price of DSL in Ireland for the next three months. It should mean increased takeup.

  • Pollard is back

    Stephen Pollard has redesigned his site and its looking well. The permalinks and comments are to be welcome, I still wouldn’t go for the green background myself though.

  • Blogging

    Entries have been terribly scarse from me of late. My lack of serious effort in recent weeks has meant a noticeable drop in visitors comments and referrals. One gets out of blogging exactly what one puts in. If a blog is not updated regularly, if the posts are poor, if links are lazy, the blog…

  • Kangaroo with kid

    A kangaroo with a kid in its pouch at Fota Wildlife Park, Cobh, Co.Cork.

  • William Pfaff: Moral choices in Europe

    William Pfaff writes a good take on EU expansion, he gives the whole moral argument that was given to the Irish during the Nice Referendum, I dont buy it. If a country in Europe wants to join – let it – once it meets the criteria needed. This idea that we are doing it for…

  • Westminster interview

    Had a thoroughly enjoyable discussion with Tom Watson MP, in the lovely surroundings of Westminster Parliament yesterday afternoon. Tom notes: He gave me some great ideas about how to spruce up this blog, some of which will get me the sack. If there are any lobby journalists reading this – he’s an impressive fellow and…

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