Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
US used napalm-like bombs
Very interesting story, and the quotes are quite….strange. [via Horst] US forces used napalm-like MK-77 firebombs against Iraqi forces in their drive toward Baghdad last spring, a Pentagon official confirmed on Thursday, defending their use as legal and necessary. US marine corps jets dropped the firebombs at least once in March to take out Iraqi…
Deb is back and points to: Dave Winer’s organizing BloggerCon 2003 at Harvard on October 4. I’d love to attend but the $500 is about ten times my conference budget these days. Should be fabulous, so I encourage fellow bloggers to show up in force. Myself and Bernie discussed going, but I doubt I will…
Participatory Journalism
Dan points to interesting series of articles on the benefits journalism may gain from blogging. I remember Stephen Pollard making similar observations at the weblog seminar in Westminster. Ideas and written pieces can be published online and vetted by readers before going to print, blogging helps the journalism process. I love it.
Bush backs Arnie
George Bush has said of Arnie “I think he’d be a good governor”. Watching the Running Man being interviewed I find that I like his style. I think he will be elected. And I’d vote for him.
Enlarging spam
God help us and save us. [via Bernie] Why do your inboxes get full of spam, asking you if you want a drug to enlarge your penis? Because it works. Thousands of dumbasses fall for it, and send off money only to receive a dud product or no product at all. An order log left…
Irish blog meet
Karlin is hoping to get the Irish bloggers together again for some beers. I guess I don’t really count since I am now an ex-pat(rick), but I would love to attend. I think it might conflict with my trip to Paris.
Give the UN a real force
Brian Urquhart calls for the UN to be given real military force. But in the age of humanitarian intervention, the human catastrophes of failed states and civil wars will continue to come before the Security Council. If UN members can no longer urgently provide the necessary peacekeeping troops to moderate desperate, if politically insignificant, situations,…
America and the UN, together again?
The rebuilding of Iraq is exposing an interesting rift on the political right: Is “unilateralism” a matter of expediency or theology? The United States is finding itself short of soldiers and money as it tries to bring democracy and stability to Iraq. It has deployed nearly 150,000 soldiers, many of whom have been there since…
Who are you calling evil?
Janet Dubé on religion, and prayer in US politics In President Bush’s now notorious phrase “axis of evil”, it is obviously the word evil that suggests he was using a religious idea for political purposes. Axis has scientific meanings in a way evil cannot. Some meanings of axis suggest the phrase axis of evil is…
Danube is flowing into a new Europe
Richard Berstein from the NY Times has a good article in the IHT today. He talks about the river Danube, its history and the history associated with it. I do see one small error in his piece. Well its actually a big error, and one I wouldn’t expect to see in the Herald Tribune. After…
Got any book recommendations?