Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Moving pictures
Are these images moving? LOL. No, its your perception playing tricks. [via Onlineblog]
Bush v Bush
Hehe very funny take on George W. from Comedy Central’s Daily Show: a debate between President George W. Bush and the only man to stand up to him, coming through a timewarp from the year 2000, Governor George W. Bush. [via Horst] Realplayer required
Debate in Hoxton
I attended an excellent debate in London on Saturday chaired by none other than Sir Michael Portillo MP. Also present was one of my favourite authors, Philip Bobbitt, who duly signed my copy of the Shield of Achilles, a book I have mentioned several times on this blog. I dont have the list to hand…
The War
Just to clarify, I meant there are two types only who are still fighting. Those baathists who have no future because of their actions under the old regime and foreigners.The mercenary tag is meant in a very broad sense, no-one is fighting Coalition (note: not just American) forces for money. It is clear that there…
Religion debate 2
Now for my reply to Franks second post. Ok, I think there’s a little bit of “quagmiring” going on here. The original post was about Private Jessica Lynch so I inferred that Gavin was talking about Iraqi soldiers fighting before Baghdad fell. In that case, the “regular” Iraqi army was largely composed of conscripts who…
On religion again
Frank has responded to my little piece on religion. He has raised some interesting points, with which I will attempt to deal with. To be honest I dont have a problem with the agnostic tag. I have met people who are theists, and I have met people who are atheists. Lots of them. All very…
President Blair
Timothy Ash with a somewhat useful analysis of Blair’s performance at Congress. His sniping for the use of ‘kind of’ seems a bit senseless, I would say that ‘kind of’ is a commonly used term.It therefore falls into the category of ‘acceptable’ and does not have any American connotations to me, even if it did…
I recently read a reference to Seamus Heaney saying how much he liked Eminem’s poetry. Damn right. I just watched 8 Mile. I have listend to his music on and off for a couple of years now. Eminem is one of the most talented artists currently around. He has skill with words, skill with melody,…
Im beginning to suspect that my Donations button does not work. LOL. Donations since July 2002: $0
Lynch welcomed home
Jessica Lynch has returned to her home town in Virginia. She mourns the loss of her best friend Lori. What I found interesting was what the Governor had to say: “Our entire state has worn a yellow ribbon around our hearts, God is still in the business of making miracles. One of his miracles came…
Got any book recommendations?