Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
World hunger will almost halve by 2030
New Scientist is reporting on a UN document that says that the number of chronically hungry people in the world is set to fall from 776 million now to 440 million in 2030 (UN Food and Agriculture Organization). Does this mean that the world will be a better place in 2030 than it is now?
Advice to American from beyond the grave: William Safire
This week William Safire does an imaginery interview with Mullah Mustafa Barzani, as if he were still alive today. The poor Kurds – ignored by the international community and the largest nation without a state in the world.
Wounded British soldiers condemn US 'cowboy' pilot
This story from the Guardian makes for an interesting read. From my years of experience on flight simulators I can tell what most armoured vehicles, jets, helicopters look like. I can name almost all the tank/APCs/fighters/missiles just by looking, and I have never been a pilot. LOL. But this A10 pilot apparently could not tell what a…
I got it wrong; very wrong
John Simpson, a journalist I greatly admire, on why he was wrong.
Blogging goes to the UK
I am off to the UK this afternoon so my blogging may be slightly delayed and shortened. I will try to blog from there.
Ireland lost the game, to
Ireland lost the game, to a far superior English side. Perhaps next year we will do better.
Indo articles
Just gonna quickly link to important stories I read yesterday: John Peacock – Why alJazeera were right to show those pictures.
Ireland v England
Ireland play England today, in the 6 Nations decider. Ireland have a chance, but England have a superior side in my estimation. The one thing going for us is that its being played in Dublin.
More missing journos
CNN is reporting that three US journalists are apparently missing in Iraq. They may have been told to leave the country – but their current whereabouts have not yet been established. Matt McAllester, Moises Saman, and Molly Bingham have not been heard from for 2 days. McAllester and Saman were among a small group of…
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