Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • World's largest virus

    I had a story posted on Slashdot yesterday – Gavinsblog writes “New Scientist is reporting that the largest virus yet discovered may have been found in a water tower in the UK. Dubbed the ‘Mimivirus’, it may be related to Smallpox. It is not yet known if it causes disease.” A few folks from Slashdot…

  • Data recorder taped shuttle's last seconds

    An experimental data recorder aboard the space shuttle Columbia continued to record potentially vital information until moments before the shuttle disintegrated during re-entry, investigators say. During duplication of the magnetic tape from the recorder, investigators saw that it continued to store data up to 14 seconds after the final telemetry was broadcast from the shuttle…

  • The priority here is clear: Oil comes before people: Andrew Buncombe

    Andrew Buncombe writes some interesting stuff in the Independent today. He notes how quickly teams were sent in to qwell the oil fires from sabotaged Iraqi wells. Importantly of the firefighter he notes: Furthermore, Washington had clearly been planning for this months ago. Mr Flak, dressed in red overalls and a white hard-hat, said his…

  • Raw, devastating realities that expose the truth about Basra: Robert Fisk

    Robert Fisk writes about the images of war – and double standards in the West. With regard to Basra and its apparent fall: It is also proof that Basra – reportedly “captured” and “secured” by British troops last week – is indeed under the control of Saddam Hussein’s forces. Despite claims by British officers that…

  • Riding alone into the sunset: William Pfaff

    William Pfaff has a good piece in the Herald Tribune today. It seems that the neo-conservatives in the US are already celebrating the victory of US forces in Iraq. The American Enterprise Institute sounds like a strange organisation. One official is quoted as saying “an epochal war…Iraq may turn out to be a war to…

  • Red Hat Linux

    Karlin writes in the Guardian on the trials and tribulations of installing RedHat Linux.

  • AlJazeera tells the truth about war: Faisal Bodi

    Faisal Bodi, a senior editor for aljazeera.net writes in the Guardian today. He criticises the Western media for not reporting on important stories, and being blatantly biased in their reporting. He also mentions some stories that I indeed have not heard over the first week of the war. Only hours before the Basra non-event, one…

  • New photos

    I have posted some digital pictures taken in Kyoto, Japan. They are quite high resolution – take a look here.

  • Well LiveLine have been busy

    Well LiveLine have been busy with other issues of late – but the issue of Charles J. may be taken up next week. My uncle may be on then.

  • Secret plans for North Korea

    Nicholas Kristof writes about Pentagon plans for bombing Korea. The figures he give make interesting reading, especially if you compare them to the cake-walk that Iraq is likely to be. The North has 13,000 artillery pieces and could fire some 400,000 shells in the first hour of an attack, many with sarin and anthrax, on…

Got any book recommendations?