Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Michael Moore on Bush
I must admit, I am on Michael Moore’s mailing list…and here is what he said at the Oscars, upon receiving the award for best documentary feature. His fellow nominees were also on stage. They’re here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction. We like nonfiction and we live in fictitous times. We live in…
"Then the whole car was on fire"
“Then the whole car was on fire. We were enveloped in flames. It was terrifying. I’m so angry that we were fired on by the allies. The Iraqis must have been their real target but I’m sure they were surrendering and anyway they were all dead within minutes.” Daniel Demoustier, ITN news cameraman.
On occupying Baghdad
With regard to the With regard to the current allied difficulties, it is important to note what some senior American officials said about taking Iraq’s capital, Baghdad. Occupying Baghad would be “unpardonable expense in terms of money, lives lost and ruined regional relationships.” Colin Powell. “We should not march into Baghdad. . . . To…
Horny sex alcopops
Karlin has also linked to a story in today’s Observer on new drinks to appear on the market this month. They are your average alcopops, like Bacardi Breezer or Smirnoff Ice – but with a twist. Powerful blends of Chinese aphrodisiacs, vodka and passion fruit will create a ‘generation of randy super beings’, according to…
Begin combing in 5 minutes
Karlin has picked up on a story in the Washington Post today. It is something I wondered about as I was watching the news at 3.10am GMT on March 19. The White House is apparently none too happy with the BBC for broadcasting 1 minute 37 seconds of Bush, before his address started. It shows…
Terry Lloyd killed in Iraq
ITN is reporting the loss of one of its main reporters, Terry Lloyd. They believe his body to be in a hospital in Basra – still under Iraqi control. I would aspire to be as successful as Terry in reporting – and even though I never met or knew him – I have watched his…
Journalists mistakenly targeted?
There appears to have been some liberal quoting going on, early in the story of missing journalist Terry Llyod and his news team. One cameraman escaped to safety – but there are conflicting reports on what happened. Sky News tells the story here. What Daniel Demoustier is saying is that they came under fire from…
All going horribly wrong?
I woke up this morning to something of a gloomy picture in Iraq – at least on the allied side. The number of accidents has been growing. Iraq is gaining some small victories. These incidents now include: Seahawk helicopter crashes in Kuwait- near the border with Iraq. 12 soldiers killed. 2 Seahawks collide in the…
Journalists missing
Is it just me? A quick look at the main US news sites, ABC, CNN, FOX – and I can’t find the story of the missing ITV journalists anywhere? The BBC has the story here. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Is this important story being reported?
The real goal in Iraq
Chris Gulker is pointing to a brilliant article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Read his take on it here, with link to the piece.
Got any book recommendations?