Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Radio problems

    Radio has been driving me crazy the last few days. When I try to update and post to weblog, it point blank refuses to upload ‘index.html’. It is also only uploading parts of the links on the right – that I have to keep fixing – the calendar keeps breaking and I have had to…

  • Military mind games: Mark Lawson

    Mark Lawson in today’s Guardian. He makes some valid points with regard to the propaganda war – a staggering amount of propaganda is coming from the allied side, I believe little of it. Here he talks about embedded journalists. Yet when asked to explain what is actually happening in these violently pretty pictures, politicians contemptously…

  • Bin Laden's victory: Richard Dawkins

    Richard Dawkins is in today’s Guardian: Osama bin Laden, in his wildest dreams, could hardly have hoped for this. A mere 18 months after he boosted the US to a peak of worldwide sympathy unprecedented since Pearl Harbor, that international goodwill has been squandered to near zero. Bin Laden must be beside himself with glee.…

  • Ireland defeat Wales – narrowly

    In yet another nail-biting finish Ireland managed to beat the Welsh. We were in the lead for most of the game but coming to the end Wales managed a drop goal – putting them in the lead with just a few minutes left in the match. 30 seconds later and Ronan O’Gara, of Cork, replied…

  • British news crew missing in Iraq

    ITV news is reporting that one of it’s news crews, headed by Terry Lloyd, have gone missing in Iraq. The military unit they were embedded with came under fire near Basra. One cameraman managed to escape and is now back in Kuwait. Reuters has the story here.

  • Thank God for the death of the UN: Richard Perle

    Richard Perle, chairman of the defence policy board, an advisory panel to the Pentagon writes a piece in the Spectator this week, some of which appears in the Guardian today. He celebrates the demise of the UN. Judge for yourself.

  • Joint Forces Command

    I managed to get some visitors from this site – the United States Joint Forces command. How did that person get here? LOL Ive been glued to the news channels of late -not updated as much as normal.

  • United States Humvees in Iraq

    United States Humvees in Kuwait. US forces have met “stern resistance” in the port town of Um Qasr – but the town is now said to have been overwhelmed.

  • Strike was attempt to hit Iraqi leadership

    The first strike of the war was apparently by cruise missiles, or by F117 bombers, to hit a target of oppurtunity – senior Iraqi officials.

  • War begins

    At 2.30am GMT the first sound of anti-aircraft guns were heard, and the first bombs landed on targets in Baghdad. The US President will make an announcement at 3.15am GMT.

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