Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Columbia black box found

    Breaking news from various sources: The flight data recorder of the lost US shuttle Columbia, has been found. A Cuban DC-3, apparently hijacked, has been forced to land in Key West, Florida.

  • What should we do?: Jonathan Freedland

    Jonathan Freedland poses the question: What would you suggest? He talks about the moral question posed by Blair concerning the removal of Saddam. He suggests that The UN could demand that Hans Blix’s team be joined by a squad of “human rights inspectors”, keeping tabs on, say, the fate of political prisoners. Interesting idea. But…

  • On War – and why it is happening

    Meghan has prompted me to finally gather my thoughts on the Iraq war – due to start tonight. In her piece she attempts to clarify her own thinking, both for herself and for her readers. I too am attempting to take all I have read, in books and newspapers, and apply it to form an…

  • Killer pneumonia likely to be new bug

    New Scientist is reporting that the bug spreading throughout the world is, as yet, unknown to science. Scientists have been frantically trying to find out what the bug is, but all tests so far have shown that the bug is new.

  • Megnut.com on war

    Meg Hourihan has posted her thoughts on the Iraq war – for fellow bloggers and for prosterity. I have long been threatening to write a similar article. Needless to say, I do disagree with many of the points you make Megan – maybe not so much disagree, but at least come to different conclusions. I…

  • Robin Cook on impending war

    Here is the full text of Robin Cook’s passionate speech, for which he received a standing ovation.

  • Washington Journalist Tells of White House Quote Massaging

    Change what people said by changing the writing of quotes afterwards? Dan is right to call it Stalinist.

  • Verizon To Unveil Ultra-Fast Wireless

    The Washington Post has a story on Verizon’s plans to rollout ultra wide band technologies in the Washington DC area. During tests they achieved speeds of up to 600k/sec while moving – and up to 2.4 Mb/sec while stationary. Impressive.

  • Why Americans tune in to Canada: Antonia Zerbisias

    Antonia Zerbisias gives a good account of many of the stories that have not made it to the mainstream US media. Well worth a look. Meg also links to it.

  • More on censoring and bombing

    Meg has a follow up post on the Kate Adie story. She cites various sources, and gives some good links. I agree with her that the US would not specifically target journalists – just that unauthorised transmissions could become targets – and they could be unilaterals.

Got any book recommendations?