Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • An attack is not yet justified

    Jimmy Carter argues that an attack on Iraq is not yet justified.

  • Opportunity beckons for peace, unity and EU entry

    The secretary-general of the UN, Kofi Annan outlines his plan for Cyprus, leading it eventual membership of the EU.

  • The day of reckoning has arrived. The UN must act.

    Former UK secretary of state for Northern Ireland, Peter Mandelson, writes a worthwhile piece in today’s Guardian. He argues that two different approaches are emerging in global politics: One is the multipolarists’ view that for America to exercise its power unrestrained is destabilising and counter-productive, not least from the standpoint of America’s own national interest;…

  • Defiance of global will

    This week Gary Younge talks about the defiance Tony Blair has shown the people of the UK.He goes on to write a very good article. Take the “key allies” with whom Bush will bomb regardless. Only 39% of Americans, 22% of Australians, 15% of Italians and Britons, 13% of Bulgarians and 2% of Spaniards back…

  • The loneliest moment that presidents face

    This piece gives a brief insight into the mindset of George Bush. Worth a look.

  • Even bigger response to Google boycott

    What can I say? I have been somewhat overwhelmed by the response to my article on Google. Several other bloggers have taken up the story, and my server was quite busy trying to keep up with referrals from Chris. I will give links to most of the sites that had something to say about me,…

  • Response to Google boycott

    I have received numerous replies to my piece on Google. Among them was criticism from Chris Gulker and Steve Jenson. Steve is a software engineer in San Francisco, working on Blogger and other Pyra inventions and now for Google. He has written a lengthy critique of my piece, and has recently been posting here about…

  • So many losses before a shot has been fired: Nicholas Kristof

    Nicholas Kristof writes a thoughtful account of anti-US sentiment around the world at the moment. This is my article of the day. There’s an idea: one article of reccommended reading per day! 🙂 There are some witty accounts of unkind, to say the least, things that were said lately about the US and its ‘moronic’…

  • The UN: Right or wrong?

    The first of a weekly series of email threads: this week, historians Andrew Roberts and Ben Pimlott discuss leadership, the Iraq crisis and the UN.

  • Nothing to smile about: Merope Mills

    Merope Mills writes an article about war from the point of view of a young person. Hm. I was sceptical when I learned it would be written from that point of view. So here we are, us twentysomethings, facing an asymmetrical war that targets people we have nothing against; facing threats from cultures we don’t…

Got any book recommendations?