Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Ireland defeat Italy
Yes we have done it again, Ireland thrashed Italy in a brilliant match. Some excellent tries there, especially O’Driscoll and Peter Stringer scored a gem just at the line. Roll on the grandslam.
My cousin Rebecca Sheridan
This is the first time Rebecca has appeared on the Internet. She has appeared on MyFamily.com, but only to members of the family. So Rebecca Anne Sheridanis now on the net. What is interesting is that if she does a Google search (or whatever the search engine will be) on herself in a few years…
Some Bushisms
This is absolutely hilarious. A list of Bushisms from the last couple of years. George W. Bush beggars belief! : “We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.” Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002″ “I need to be able to move the right people to the right place at the right time to protect you, and…
Top 10 on Eatonweb
I somehow made it into the top 10 blogs on Eatonweb – don’t ask me how! Maybe I will go to number 1? Can a drunk Irishman do it? Ahh perhaps the Guinness gives me strength. Of course we have the crucial Six Nations game of Ireland versus Italy today. The Italians are looking fast…
GavinsBlog on Slashdot
I have submitted a number of stories to Slashdot over the last number of days. My latest one has been accepted, and I am expecting another one to appear on the frontpage shortly. You can normally read the stories on this blog, first! 🙂 But my thanks to /. readers for their comments – I…
Nobel war prize? :Paul Hamilos
Paul Hamilos in the Guardian asks the question: Given the fact that previous nominees include Adolf Hitler and Henry Kissinger, can anyone take the Nobel Peace Prize seriously? His answer is really a big No, and I would be inclined to agree. Henry Kissinger?
Yes, but…: William Safire
William Safire condemns anti-war arguments outright – blatantly nailing his colours to the mast. He lists 12 reasons of the ‘yes-butters’, and then calls it the “dirty dozen of doubt”. He is truly convinced of the righteousness of the US endeavour in Iraq, or the “great enterprise” as he calls it. Truly staggering in its lack…
Building the A380
A story on the trials and tribulations of building the Airbus A380. This thing is just going to be huge. I honestly can’t wait to see it finished, or to fly on it. Unfortunately my esteemed uncle, an engineer for Qantas, is not so keen on Airbus. His motto is “Boeing, or I’m not going”>
Life on Europa?
New Scientist is reporting that scientists have found that electricity is produced when aluminium bullets are fired into a block of ice. This raises the chances of finding life on Europa, s eletrical shocks of this kind could cause complex molecules to form. An electrifying discovery? :p
Data Privacy in Ireland
Karlin has put her weekly Irish Times article on her blog today. She writes a stirring piece about Irish goverment plans to retain records of citizens’ telecommunication records for up to three years. This is more stringent than any other EU country – one has to ask if the goverment thinks Ireland has suddenly become…
Got any book recommendations?