Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Death of AGP, and birth of PCI Express
The Inquirer: PCI Express means death of AGP standard. This means that everyone has to go and get new computers if they want the latests cards. How surprising.
Gavinsblog meets target
At the start of this month I set a target of 12,000 hits for February. It has now been met. As can be seen from my statistics, I had the single busiest day last week. This was due to my posting of the Digital Archive story on Slashdot. I have surpassed January entirely and now…
Nuclear powered aircraft
New Scientist has a story saying that the US Air Force may build a nuclear powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The Pentagon last week allocated $1 billion of its 2004 budget for further development of both armed and unarmed UAVs. Because a standard fission reactor would be too heavy, it is speculated that they would…
Bush should start telling the truth about this war
Tom Friedman writes an interesting piece about transatlantic relations. Hmm.
Irish economy in the doldrums
A story from yesterday that I forgot to post. Interesting if not depressing.
The meek Arabs: Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk again, in a short piece he criticises the lack of demonstration among the arab nations. He is probably right, but I just don’t think that most of the Arab nations are democratic anyway – or at least do not allow the freedom to hold demonstrations, nor is there a democratic tradition.
A Democrat voice in the wilderness
West Virginian Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, writes a staggering article over at the IHT. I have seen some article from US politicians, but none more vehement than this. He questions the war that the US is pursuing and expresses plain disgust at war itself, and the coming war. If you read anything today, read this.
The Media Divide
Paul Krugman writes a of media between the US and Europe. Karlin linked to this story last week, as she seen it in the NY Times. Nevertheless it is definately worth looking at how CNN/FOX/ABC reported on the recent protests around the world. He argues that US media has taken it as their patriotic duty…
Media vs Democracy
The well-known anti-globalisation activist Naomi Klein writes about Hugo Chavez and the situation in Venezuela. As always Klein’s reading of the situation is second-to-none. Brilliant media piece.
We are a biological weapon
George Monbiot again, on Saturday’s historic protests. He writes another well crafted piece about the reasons for Bush’s war. Brilliant reading.
Got any book recommendations?