Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Blair should learn from Eden
Michael Adams argues that Tony Blair should learn some lessons from the Suez crisis in this article from yesterday. In 1956 it was the Americans who saw the red light and stopped in time, while the British were driven on by a reckless leader – to disaster. Is it too late to hope that this…
About oil?
A lively debate going on over at Karlin’s Blog.
Saving digital history
The Washington Post is reporting that the Library of Congress in the US plans to initiate the $100 million National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). It is hoped that the project will lead to the preservation of data, that is constantly changing on the Internet. But I wonder who will choose what is…
Why Europe is cautious
The French ambassador to the United States gives three reasons as to why France is so reluctant about war War must remain the very last option Agreed.
The Case against War: Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk writes another scathing attack on the US and the UK. In a passionate piece of writing he rubbishes the claims of the US concerning Iraqi non-compliance – and talks about the real reason for war – oil and power. In the end, I think we are just tired of being lied to. Tired…
Happy Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day. Hope everyone has a nice one, unfortunately my Valentine is in Frankfurt.
Plasma doomed the shuttle
Plasma somehow managed to get inside the shuttle according to New Scientist. Super hot ionised leaked in, and melted parts of the shuttle from the inside. Is this related to the photographs taken of plasma bolts hitting the shuttle
Legal action over download cap?
Broadband users in the UK are now considering suing over NTL’s decision to impose a download cap of 1GB a day. The Reg also says that many have now cancelled their subscriptions in protest. Unfortunately DSL in Ireland from Eircom has a cap of 3GB A MONTH!
Gulf War 2 – Flash movie
I would recommend anybody interested in politics to watch this Flash movie on Idleworm.com – its hilarious. The Reg covers the story here.
If Europe were united
Peter Sutherland writes about a more united position within Europe, and how it can be achieved. Sutherland is a long time supporter of the common foreign and security policy – and keen advocate of the now passed Nice Treaty I haven’t agreed with many of his views in the past, and I do not agree…
Got any book recommendations?