Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Dont trust France
Gary Younge discusses France’s opposition to the invasion of Iraq, interestingly they have recently deployed a carrier to the eastern med.
Tony Blair on Saddam
Tony argues the case, in favour of global justice etc. etc. If only I believed him.
The drive to space
Charles Levendosky writes an eloquent article on the size of our universe and the human complusion to explore. It is a nice piece of writing, puts is in our place!
Floppy disk death
Dell has decided to drop floppy drives from new computers.
Putting the chicken back in Chicken McNuggets
A piece about litigation in the US attempting to make McDonalds pay for misinforming customers about the contents of their foods. A judge called McNuggets a “McFrankenstein creation” containing all manner of chemicals, mostly not chicken. Interesting to see how this one turns out.
Powell does not convince, neither do the peace campaigners
Timothy Ash breaks down the arguments for and against the invasion. But he still seems to end up sitting on the fence. He has a good name for Blair: a Gladstonian Christian liberal interventionist Somehow I don’t see Blair in such a simple light.
God in the constitution?
Not that many Irish people know it, but the European constitution is currently being drafted – if only they had known that before the Nice Treaty referendum. This article reports the arguments over whether the divine entity himself (if one does exist) should be, or how it should be, placed in the new constitution. Interesting…
The war is coming
Here we have it, the decision has definately been made. All rhetoric from now on can be ignored. War will happen within the month. I remember reading an article about what to look out for, indications that war was imminent. It has come, the US has deployed the F117 Stealth bombers from their bases in…
NASA hacked
ITworld is reporting that the Solaris servers of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory were hacked on the day of the Columbia disaster. Hackers, apparently unhappy with US foreign policy, changed web pages to protest against the impending war in Iraq.
Microsft's stay of execution
According to this CNet article, the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals has given Microsoft a stay on the order to ship the Java runtime environment with Windows. Microsoft called the orginal 120-notice order “extreme and unprecedented”. Does this mean we will see the JRE in the next release of Windows?
Got any book recommendations?