Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
War will happen (Gavin's third warning)
Robert Fisk wrote an excellent article I just came across, from last weeks Independent. He presents a clear and concise view of US strategy and I fully agree with his sentiments. War is on schedule for late Jan, early Feb. Watch out innocent civilians, bombs will fly.
eBay fraudster nabbed by Mac sleuth
Covered on many online news outlets this story is an example of honest to goodness online activism. It could happen to you: fraudulent cheque and you are down one hefty and expensive piece of equipment. One guy decided he was not going to let this one go lightly.
Why are Americans hated?
Another in a long line of articles that followed the publication of the Pew research into attitudes to America worldwide (as reported here on December 4). In this one Robert Levine asks what America should do to help its image out. Perhaps listen to the rest of the world?
Google + Froogle = cheaper shopping
For people who have not heard about it, Google are testing an online shopping comparison and search engine for any product you desire. Go here to try it out
King of spam gets spammed
Alan Ralsky, the man who can send a billion emails a day and has made a fortune from filling our inboxes with rubbish, has got a taste of his own medicine. Thanks to the lads over at Slashdot, he now gets tonnes of rubbish delivered to his house and email. A concerted and worthwhile campaign!
Strengthen the EU Commission?
Another article on the EU today in the IHT. This time its the turn of Giles Merritt, secretary-general of Friends of Europe. He makes a worthwhile point out at the start about the declining population of Europe, this is going to lead to Europe’s demise in my view and the efforts he speaks of are…
China developing budget stealth aircraft
Yes those Chinese are at it again. First it was their very own space station and now they are building aircraft to rival the US. Another blow to US power? Time will tell.
Why the UN is flawed and why the solution is world government
Yet again I find myself in total agreement with George Monbiot. The ideas he has expressed in this article are ones I have long held myself. The structure of the UN is inherently flawed, and will lead to its downfall. The solution we should work towards is an equitable and just UN, and maybe in…
Is the EU becoming lethargic?
Ken Roth writes a worthwhile piece in today’s Herald Tribune. He talks about human rights in the EU and how the EU no longer defends them as much as it used to. Interesting points, but I have my reservations
Dmitry Sklyarov case
Yes its on now, and this is a big case with regard to the much criticised Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). I hope you all watching this one, it affects us all.
Got any book recommendations?