Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • What do people really think of America?

    A study conducted by the Pew Research Centre for The People & The Press has revealed large scale hostility to the US, especially in Muslim countries. Not surprising you might say, but is an interesting study nonetheless, and was headed by former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. She was also interviewed on BBC’s Newsnight by…

  • Life from underwater?

    Science Daily is carrying a story on the origins of life. It calls it revolutionary, but I would not think so after reading the report. The existence of life around hydrothermal vents has long been known, and do point towards the possibility that life originated without the help of the sun, and underwater – so…

  • What China censors

    Carried in several news reports this is Harvard’s study into the so called ‘Great Firewall of China’. It is an interesting study, and one that gives a good insight into China’s methods and outlook.

  • End of the line for War Drivers?

    Wireless is something I am very interested in and this story is related to a whitepaper I did. Seems that Newbury Networks has found a way to tell IT managers if their wireless network is being accessed, and to pinpoint the location of the person doing so. At $20,000 it would be easier to turn…

  • Gavinsblog back!

    Yes, after a short absence I am back again with my inimitable wit, and my oft updated and sometimes interesting website. Hopefully this week I shall start with my soapbox section, and on coming back I notice that the number of visits for November was 580. I was not expecting so many visits. My target…

  • Slip up once – and its war: Bill Emmott

    Bill Emmott writes a rather hawkish piece in the Guardian today. A quick word search will show you that no where in his article is the word ‘oil’ mentioned. I think that this word is pivotal to any planned invasion of Iraq. It is interesting that this aspect of the war is not being played…

  • Yes, we did go the moon

    The European Space Agency are planning to use the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to image the remains of NASA equipment still on the moon. This might convince conspiracy theorists that man did indeed land on the moon. I can be somewhat of a conspiracy theorist myself, but I think this one is too far fetched…

  • When State power goes wrong: Fred Hiatt

    Fred Hiatt writes about press freedom in Eritrea and the effects the war on terrorism has had on overall freedoms in the US. The balancing act of freedom vs security is one that is increasingly going in favour of security – if it can even be called that.

  • Gavinsblog not to be updated until next week

    Yes for all ten people reading this now! lol I will not be updating anymore this week, I am off to Manchester! 🙂

  • Gavinsblog visits increase

    Yes my own little weblog has managed to come nigh on 500 visits this month so far. I have my slice of the 500,000,000 people surfing around. Perhaps with a better site and better content, and who knows maybe even a comments section, I could get 2000 a month? My aim would be to get…

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