Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Osama is alive, but what will he do next?

    The regular Robert Fisk, a man who I sometimes don’t know whether to like or dislike wrote another article last week. However this is an enlightening and thorough report on bin Laden.

  • GM – the real story

    One of my favourite writers in the Guardian (betraying my leftist tendencies), George Monbiot writes another article on GM foods. I could not agree more with his sentiments. Have a read of it yourself and see what you think.

  • NATO still alive and well: Richard Norton-Taylor

    Richard Norton-Taylor, the Guardians security affairs editor, proposes that America will always call the shots, and will be judge jury and executioner – with the EU and the rest of NATO there to clean up the mess. I do not agree that the EU cannot catch up with the US militarily or strategically. With the…

  • Flying won't be the same

    Mark Lawson writes a personal piece in today’s Observer about his recent experience of flying to the US. I can certainly see what he means, I was pretty nervous flying to New York two weeks after the bombings – but I lived to tell the tale.

  • Comdex to see 'Smart Displays'

    The yearly trade show Comdex will see the showcasing of Smart displays. They are basically wireless flat-screen monitors with touch input to boot. They use WiFi to transmit the data. Pretty cool. ABC has the article here.

  • God in the Constitution?

    The Herald Tribune has an interesting piece by its regular contributor William Pfaff. The Convention on Europe is deciding whether there should be a reference to Christianity in the European Constitution. I do not believe there should be a European Constitution, God in it or not. I believe that the designs particular Europeans have for…

  • Saddam accepts inspectors

    Iraq today accepted a unanimous security council resolution for the return of weapons inspectors, Iraq’s ambassador to the UN said. Ambassador Mohammed Al-Douri said he had delivered a letter unconditionally accepting the resolution to the office of the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan. The letter was delivered two days before a UN-mandated deadline. What strikes…

  • The West will have its invasion

    Simon Tisdall writes a very good piece in today’s Guardian. He writes exactly how I feel on this subject. You can read it here.

  • Cold War Spy photos released

    Yes they are finally here. Now we can gaze in awe at what the US was gazing at back in the 60’s. For those of you who want to get some classic 60’s photos please go here.

  • If Saddam blinks after Dec. 8th, its Gulf War II: The Vengeance

    Dennis Ross is in the Post today writing about Saddam and Iraq. In glowing praise of the Bush administration Ross seems to be under the impression that war with Iraq will only happen if Saddam blinks. Maybe I am the only one that thinks it, but I believe war with Iraq will happen come hell…

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