
I started blogging here back in 2002 because it allowed me to get my opinions, thoughts and views to an audience without much expense.

I have worked at many things, including the whole writing jazz and in startups. I’ve have been published in such titles as the Irish Examiner, the New Statesman the Sunday Business Post, The Sunday Times, Village, the Irish Times and the Independent/Sunday Independent.

I drink Murphy’s, Beamish or Bulmers, depending on the weather.

This is my collection of books. (I will read them all some day)

I am known in the blogosphere partly for:
An initial distrust of Google (2003)
Being threatened with legal action by author John Gray (2004).
Appearing on Irish television to talk about blogging (2005)
A Chronology of Bertie Ahern’s resignation (2008)
Visiting Georgia after the war (2008)

You can reach me at: gavinsblog at gmail dot com.


5 responses to “About”

  1. Paschal avatar


    Quick note to say how much I enjoy your blog.

    Just to let you know that I have my own site up and running. It’s http://www.paschaldonohoe.ie and comments on my life as a senator and constituency politician.

    well done again


  2. Junk avatar

    stop spamming wikipedia kthxbai

  3. Gavin avatar

    I aint spammin!

  4. Tom Vandenbosche avatar
    Tom Vandenbosche


    I have 4 questions for you:

    I would like to ask if you like skiing? Do you have an Irish twin? This year for St. Patrick’s Day should I be Tommy O’Vandenbosche, or Tommy McVandenbosche? How about a Murphys?

  5. Fiona Ashe avatar

    Hi Gavin,

    Many congratulations on your move to Mark Little’s new venture! I hope it’s satisfying, fun and very successful.

    Best wishes,

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